Why In-App Review is Essential for Your E-commerce Store
Customers’ retention and branding value increases positively through the seamless shopping experience at your store. A few innovative features that can affect this are the In-App Review feature available with MageNative.
- Here are a few reasons why you might find it important to add this feature to your e-commerce store.
You’ll be able to boost your visibility on the App Store with In-App Review as you can engage your customers to provide ratings on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Positive ratings and reviews become an excellent first impression for possible users, thus giving your app a competitive advantage in a crowded market.
Collects Valuable Feedback: Users will probably forget to leave a review but having an In-App Review prompt reminds them about their experiences. Such feedback is very value-added in making your app better and attuned to their requirements.
Brand Image: Helps in the Brand Image Good rating and scores of nice review increase perception significantly regarding your brand. Trust and download will always go higher with an app that has a rating of 4 stars, which will therefore go to more downloads and sales.
Non-Intrusive Experience: The Review feature while in-app is set up not to be intrusive. The checkout screen closes, then the review prompt comes. Users can easily bypass it if they so wish. It is not going to disrupt their shopping experience. They simply do not have to be bothered about it.
Drives user engagement: Asking users to rate your app creates a feeling of engagement with your app. Chances are that users like being asked what they think and this may help make them more satisfied with your app.
Minimal Time Commitment: The In-App Review process is very quick and straightforward. Users can rate an app in seconds, but if they have opted to include a more detailed review, then just a few more minutes would be involved. That way, more customers can take the time to be involved.
As a Shopify merchant, using MageNative Mobile App Builder, you could improve app profile and encourage customer engagement through the In-App Review feature.